Beverly Horvit (Chair) Olga Amarie Melinda DelMastro Kirsten Fox Matt Hlinak Kevin Howell Bob Kearns Neal Lewis Mark Lochstampfor Greg Ulferts
The Bylaws Committee shall study issues referred to it by the Council or the Board of Directors and amendments submitted by individual members or committees and prepare appropriate amendments for consideration by the Board of Directors and the Council. |
CAS Standards Review
Eileen Merberg (Chair) Clara Dwyer Kirsten Fox Beverly Horvit Holly Moorhead Lara Noah Tanya Schwarz
The CAS Standards Review Committee shall work with ACHS members to provide input and feedback to the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) as they update the College Honor Society Programs (CHSP) standards. |
Conference Program
Lara Noah (Chair) Loria Brown Gordon Steve Loflin Melissa Martin Trish Maxwell Farhang Niroomand Kim Switzer
The Program Committee shall prepare the Annual Conference agenda and program in consultation with and with the approval of the Board of Directors. |
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
Trish Maxwell (Chair) Vinnie Birkenmeyer Beverly Horvit Terry Howard Christi Luks Alejandro De La Puente Suzanne Rupp
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee seeks to improve the understanding and consideration of diversity for ACHS leadership, committees, and member societies; encourage the recruitment of a wide diversity of honor societies; create educational opportunities for member society leaders; and develop best practices for honor societies. |
Eligibility and Admissions
Tricia Gomulinski (Chair) Vinnie Birkenmeyer Connor Dubrule Beverly Evans Neal Lewis Orlando Madrigal Holly Roseski Maureen Scott
The Committee on Eligibility and Admissions shall correspond with organizations in order to determine their interest in affiliation with the Association and shall assist in the development of petitions for membership. It shall review objectives, governance, and activities of student organizations to determine the eligibility of such societies for admission into the Association and shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors and the Council. |
Eligibility Appeals
Burrell Montz (Chair) Terry Howard Dylan Lane Mark Lochstampfor Suzanne Rupp |
The Eligibility Appeals Committee shall develop processes and procedures for member societies to use when requesting approval to use a grade point lower than that specified in the Bylaws, collaborate with the national office staff to develop any required electronic resources and forms, disseminate information to member societies, receive and review requests to use a lower grade points, and recommend action on requests to the Board.
Foundations for Honor Society Leaders
Eileen Merberg (Chair) Kate Gaertner Melissa Martin Jane Hamblin Martha Zlokovich
The Foundations for Honor Society Leaders Committee shall determine the feasibility of offering optional board member and Executive Director/CEO training prior to the 2024 ACHS conference, develop a program of training to offer, identify instructors for the training, determine a cost of the training, collaborate with the Conference Program Committee, and report back to the Board at regular intervals. |
Member Education
Marianne Fallon (Chair) Jane Hamblin Dylan Lane
The Member Education Committee coordinates monthly meet-ups that are a popular resource for ACHS members. This committee shall work with the board to identify potential topics and speakers and assist in hosting the sessions. |
Kimberly Switzer (Chair) Farhang Niroomand Tanya Schwarz Bethany Titus |
The Nominating Committee of five members shall be elected by the Council, two in even years and three in odd years. Candidates for the Nominating Committee shall reflect the diversity of the membership. It shall be the responsibility of this Committee to nominate candidates for directors and for the Nominating Committee to be filled at the Council Meeting. The Committee chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the five members. A member of the Nominating Committee may not be nominated for any vacancy without resigning as a member of the Nominating Committee. Before the election, additional nominations from the floor shall be permitted. |
Public Information
Steve Loflin (Chair) Katie Avendano Holly Barclay Earl Blodgett Katie Holmes Susan Iles Pat McDaniel Maureen Scott
The Public Information Committee shall brand and publicize the Association and its Annual Conference. The primary goals of the committee are: to create and maintain brand consistency; to promote the value of ACHS membership to other organizations and the public; to help keep the website updated and relevant; to assist member societies with social media and marketing of the benefits of ACHS membership to their members; and to improve communication between member societies. |
Standards and Definitions
Holly Moorhead (Chair) Earl Blodgett Marianne Fallon Jane Hamblin Katie Holmes Kevin Howell Eileen Merberg Greg Ulferts Lisa Stewart |
The Committee on Standards and Definitions shall study issues related to standards and definitions of honor societies and recommend principles to guide the Council in its work, and shall examine compliance of constitutions and/or bylaws of member societies with respect to Association standards and make recommendations to the Board of Directors and the Council. |